Want to work with Jess one-on-one?

Normally the only way to work with me is my 6 month Social Strategy Accelerator Program, but for a limited time I have made these a la carte options available. 

Best "Next Steps" Strategy Session.

60 minute 1-on-1 session with Jess. If you’re in a space where you need to know what you’re best next steps are for your organic social media strategy, this session is for you. You might be rebranding, shifting your audience, or needing some support in making sure you know you’re taking the best next steps with your content.


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Create a Converting Instagram Bio.

60 minute 1-on-1 session with Jess. Your content can be perfect in every way but if your Instagram Bio isn’t optimized, you are leaving serious money and audience growth on the table. In this session, Jess will help you make sure everything on your page is optimized to call forward your dream client.


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Discover Your Dream Client Session.

60 minute 1-on-1 session with Jess. If you’re feeling handcuffed by who you want to serve and want to get clarity on the “who” you’re marketing to, this session is for you. Jess will help you gain clarity and give you our dream client curiosity process to help you figure it out and have a process you can rinse and repeat.


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Create Your Next 30 Days of Social Content.

90 minute 1-on-1 session with Jess. In this 90 minute session, let Jess walk you through our signature campaign system! You will have her help with actually creating and plugging in your content ideas. Leave this call with a strong strategy ready for you to take action on to hit your goals for your next launch.


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Social Systems for Teams. Learn Our Scalable Workflow.

90 minute session with Jess and her team specialist. We will walk you and your team through our content calendar, copy documents, content approval process, etc. We’ll walk you through the basics of creating a scalable workflow inside of your team.


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VIP Strategy Day.

In-person full day or Virtual two half days 1-on-1 session with Jess. Go deep on your goals, your ideal client, and your message. Come up with content ideas and plug it into your content calendar so you leave with a clear strategy and steps to make it all happen! This day can be customized based on your specific needs.

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Not sure what option will be most supportive for you? Shoot me an email! I'm always happy to chat and see how I can best serve you and your team.